We also added the AUTO_INCREMENT flag to indicate that the field is auto-incrementing, as well as the PRIMARY KEY flag to indicate which field is an id. 我们还添加了AUTOINCREMENT标志来指示字段是自动增量的,添加PRIMARYKEY标志来指示那个字段是一个id。
Note, you first test whether this key is in the hash and, if so, increment the counter for that key. 注意,您首先测试这个密匙是否位于散列表中,如果是,则递增该密匙的计数器。
Indicate how the QoS will improve over time, with the planned increment engineering improvements, such as moving from daily batch processing of key service data to real-time message-driven processing. 说明在进行事先计划的增量工程改进工作(如从关键服务数据每日批处理的方式过渡到实时的消息驱动处理)的情况下,QoS将如何随时间的增加提高。
Company with the increment of consumers in art-market, gallery as the first market of art, I believe gallery in China will be the key actor both in China and International. 相信随着我国艺术消费群体的不断壮大,画廊作为艺术的一级市场,中国画廊业在未来中国乃至国际美术市场上的作用还是不可小觑的!
So the paper introduces Engel coefficient method, increment benefit method and average GNP method into key index of measures, and establishes a comprehensive index model including soft indexes and rigid indexes as well as optimization method to weight every index in the general model. 提出以恩格尔系数法、增量效益分析法与平均GNP法作为关键单指标分析方法,同时建立了包括软指标与硬指标的综合指标评价模型,并给出了估计综合指标评价权重最优赋权法。
The emphasis of developing the human resource in the countryside should be put on increment of the quality, and the key point is to promote the education in the countryside: increasing the quality of new working force through primary education; 农村人力资源开发重点在于提高农村人力资源的质量,核心是加强农村教育。即以提高新增劳动力素质为核心,加强农村基础教育;
Study on Seedling Cultivation Technology by Scattered Seeding and Increment of Schima superba Key Measures for the Sowing and Growing of Schima superba Seedlings 木荷撒播育苗技术及苗木生长量研究木荷播种育苗的关键技术
This passage introduces successful experiences about developing media increment affairs using large screen TV in CATV network company, and puts forward that key of estate developing is improvement management conception. 介绍有线电视网络公司利用大屏幕电视开展增值业务的成功经验,并提出改进经营理念是产业发展的关键。
Urban growth and land value increment is a dynamic and spatio-temporal process. How to simulate this process is a key problem in this field. 城市增长与土地增值是一种时空动态变化的复杂地理过程,如何有效地模拟这一过程是该研究领域的一个重要问题。
CDMA mobile data increment business is not only the magic weapon for Unicom to increase its income, but the key to its successful development. CDMA1X移动数据增值业务不但是提高联通收入的法宝,更是联通发展成败的关键所在。
To discuss the function of increment index which is considered to be the key factor in feasibility study for extended and reconstruction project. 讨论增量指标对判定改扩建项目可行性的作用,指出增量指标是判定改扩建项目可行性的必要条件和充分条件。
Calculating the increment economic benefits is the key to the national economic post-appraisal of the project. 定量计算它的增量经济效益是对项目进行经济效益后评价的关键。
The next in order, increment employment post, provide well the employment opportunities is a key. 其次,增加就业岗位,提供充分就业机会是关键。
To introduce genuine shareholder and increment income to convert risks, the key of reform is to enrich capital and to consummate corporation management configuration, which is manifested as "increasing capital and enlarging share" in operation. 引入真正的股东并以增量收益来消化存量风险,改革的关键环节在于充实资本金与完善法人治理结构,在操作性环节上表现为“增资扩股”。
With the increment of train speed, it has key effects to the safety and comfort of the high-speed trains and the longevity of the brake system that the brake system shows great friction and wear properties in using. 高速列车速度不断提高,制动系统能否在服役过程中表现出优秀的摩擦磨损性能,对列车安全性、舒适性及制动系统自身寿命都起到关键的影响。
With the rapid increment of quantity and transmission speed of data in computer-network, the reliability of network becomes more and more important. Especially in financial institutions, government departments, military and other special applications, the reliability becomes the key factor determining network performance. 随着计算机网络的数据传输量与速度的不断提高,网络可靠性也越来越受到用户的重视,尤其在军方、政府部门、金融机构等特殊的嵌入式应用场合,网络可靠性是决定网络性能的关键因素。
With the sustainable development of semiconductor technology and the significant increment of chip integration, heat of chips keeps increasing while reliability keeps declining. It limits further improvements of performance, making power a key issue in the microprocessor design area. 半导体工艺的持续发展和芯片集成度的显著提高,导致芯片发热量的增大与可靠性的下降,限制了性能的进一步提升,功耗已经成为微处理器设计领域的一个关键问题。
As the increment of Enterprise Information Integration, it becomes the key of service network domain that how to simply and efficiently provide the complex services to the enterprise through automatically compositing the existed web services in the service network. 随着企业信息化集成程度的提高,如何通过自动组合已有的语义Web服务,从而为企业提供简单、高效的组合服务访问能力已经成为服务网络领域的研究重点。